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Best Heart Healthy Foods for Seniors

An older adult woman holding a bowl of blackberries smiling and looking directly at the camera

Embark on a culinary adventure tailored to nourish the heart and invigorate the spirit! Prioritizing heart health is important at every age. However, the risk of cardiovascular diseases tends to rise with age, making it essential for older adults to maintain a heart-healthy diet–what better way than through a palette of vibrant, delicious foods!  Incorporating […]

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Why Do Seniors Sleep So Much?

A senior man sleeping on a white bed in a white room

There are many reasons why some seniors may sleep more than younger adults. Poor sleep quality, mental health struggles, medications, underlying conditions, and boredom can all lead to daytime sleepiness and excessive napping. As we age, our sleeping patterns change, and we need to understand the causes and consequences of this phenomenon. It’s also important […]

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Who Qualifies for Skilled Nursing Care?

A senior man standing inside a house, smiling and looking directly at the camera

Skilled nursing care provides specialized care for individuals with complex medical needs. Unlike independent, assisted, or memory care, where older adults require daily assistance and care, this lifestyle option offers hospital-like comprehensive care to those recovering specifically from surgery, illness, and injury. Skilled Nursing Care A home or hospital might not be the only option […]

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Independent Living Vs. Assisted Living: What’s The Difference?

A senior man glasses and with white beard looking directly at the camera smiling and holding a book.

When considering senior living for a loved one, it’s important to know that not every community is the same. Independent living and assisted living are designed to promote the independence and well-being of their residents. Still, they have key differences that can make one a more optimal choice over the other. But what exactly are […]

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